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And Then There Were None - A Graphic Novel
 -by Agatha Christie

Considered one of the greatest mysteries of all time, Christie's masterpiece of murder and suspense is available in this newly ... Read More

Biggles, Squadron Biggles
 -by W.E. Johns

14 action adventures featuring Biggles and his Team of Fighter Pilots . These adventures are based on the characters created by... Read More

Biggles, The Lost Oasis 1
 -by W.E. Johns

14 action adventures featuring Biggles and his Team of Fighter Pilots . These adventures are based on the characters created by... Read More

Buddha Ananda : Vol 6
 -by Osamu Tezuka

This is the sixth book in the classic eight volume graphic novel series retelling the story of Buddha, from the godfather of th... Read More

Buddha Deer Park: Vol 5
 -by Osamu Tezuka

In the fifth installment of manga-godfather Osamu Tezuka's Buddha, engagement with death imparts the lesson of life's sanctity.... Read More

Buddha Devadatta : Vol 3
 -by Osamu Tezuka

In the third of the Buddha series, as Siddhartha embarks on his journey towards enlightenment, he encounters many influences; s... Read More

Buddha Jetavana: Vol 8
 -by Osamu Tezuka

Osamu Tezuka’s vaunted storytelling genius, consummate skill at visual expression, and warm humanity blossom fully in his... Read More

Buddha Prince Ajatasattu : Vol 7
 -by Osamu Tezuka

This is the seventh book in the classic eight volume graphic novel series retelling the story of Buddha, from the godfather of ... Read More

Buddha The Forest of Uruvela : Vol 4
 -by Osamu Tezuka

In book four, unfulfilled by the teachings of renowned ascetics, Siddhartha agrees to follow Dhepa into the forest of trials. B... Read More

Buddha, Kapilavastu

In book one, 'Kapilavastu', Chapra, an ambitious slave, spurns the caste system into which he was born, and tries to become a n... Read More

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Author in Focus

A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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 Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon--and a mystery--in the eleventh A to Z Mysteries Super Edition! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are visiting the Grand Canyon when they spot Parker Stone--a famous TV star. They can't wait to get his autograph, but before they can, Parker is kidnapped! Only a few clues--and his pet parrot--are left behind. It's up to Dink, Josh, an Read More...
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