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    Author :: Ron Roy

Book Title: A to Z Mysteries Super Edition 7 Operation Orca

 Thar she blows! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are on an Alaskan whale watching adventure. On their first day, they see a mother orca and her calf. But the next day, the baby orca is missing! The calf needs its mother’s milk. Can the kids solve this whale of a mystery?
The alphabet is over, but the mysteries continue in this seventh A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, featuring a 26-letter secret message hidden in the illustration

Author Name: Ron Roy
Reference Number:C 1843
ISBN: 978-0553523966
Number of Pages: 144 pages
Book rating: No Rating
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Author in Focus

A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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