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Author Name: Ashok K. Banker

Ashok Kumar Banker's internationally acclaimed Ramayana Series® has been hailed by critics as a ‘milestone’ (India Today) and a ‘magnificently rendered labour of love’ (Outlook). It is arguably the most popular English-language retelling of the ancient Sanskrit epic. His work has been published in 56 countries, a dozen languages, several hundred reprint editions with over 1.1 million copies of his books currently in print.
With the Ramayana Series® Banker embarked on a massively ambitious publishing project he calls the Epic India Library. Returning to the roots of the great ancient tales that have inspired countless authors and filmmakers, Banker sought to reclaim the original stories through a series of multi-volume retellings as well as original fiction and non-fiction. The Krishna Coriolis series, of which the first three books have been published, and the Mahabharata Series (of which this book is the first in an 18-volume series) are part of this project.
Ashok Banker is credited with having heralded the resurgence of public interest in Indian mythology, for being the author of the first Indian TV series in English and co-writer of the first Malaysian TV series in English, and author of the first Indian e-book, among other firsts. He is one of the few living Indian authors whose contribution to Indian literature is acknowledged in The Picador Book of Modern Indian Writing and The Vintage Anthology of Indian Literature.
Ashok is 48 years old and lives with his family in Mumbai.


     Books By Author :: Ashok K. Banker

The Valmiki Syndrome
 -by Ashok K. Banker

Sons of Sita
 -by Ashok K. Banker

Ten years have passed since Rama did the unthinkable and banished Sita. Now, she spends her days in the remote forest ashram of... Read More

Vengeance of Ravana
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The original epic, The Ramayana, was written hundreds of years ago, but its charm continues till this very day. Ashok K. Banker... Read More

Slayer of Kamsa
 -by Ashok K. Banker

After his well received series based on The Ramayana, Ashok K. Banker has brought out his first book in a series of eight on th... Read More

Siege of Mithila, Book 2
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The invasion had begun and the bestial demon hordes roar towards Ayodhya. If Ayodhya falls, then all mortal-kind will fall. But... Read More

Prince of Ayodhya, Book 1
 -by Ashok K. Banker

Ayodhya the Unconquerable: legendary capital of warriors and seers. Never invaded, never defeated, greatest fortress of the civ... Read More

Demons of Chitrakut, Book 3
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The original Ramayana was written three thousand years ago. Now, with breathtaking imagination and brilliant storytelling, Asho... Read More

The Forest of Stories
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The world’s greatest epic - from India’s epic storyteller, author of the internationally- acclaimed Ramayana and Kr... Read More

Armies of Hanuman, Book 4
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The original Ramayana was written three thousand years ago. Now, with breathtaking imagination and brilliant storytelling, Indi... Read More

King of Ayodhya, Book 6
 -by Ashok K. Banker

The sixth book in the Ramayana series.
Rama, king-in-waiting, has crossed the ocean, and the great war has begun. Ravana... Read More

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