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Author Name: David Lawrence Preston

David L. Preston is life coach, teacher, speaker and author, and one of the UK’s leading authorities on personal and spiritual development.
His books have been translated into fifteen languages and his Life Enrichment Programmes sold in twenty-seven countries on every major continent. His 2005 book, 365 Ways to be Your Own Life Coach, is a worldwide best seller, and his latest, 365 Steps to Practical Spirituality is already climbing the best-sellers lists.
Based in Bournemouth, David gives courses in spiritual enrichment, personal success, confidence building, communication skills and self-management. His inspirational talks, including after dinner speeches, are popular with many audiences. As course manager for the Institute of Bioenegetic and Informational Healthcare, he is closely assocaited with some of the world's leading experts on this rapidly developing and exciting approach to 21st Century medicine.
David has a strong reputation as a caring, knowledgeable and inspiring instructor. He believes that health, happiness and prosperity are within the reach of all and everyone, including you, can quickly make real improvements to their quality of life.

     Books By Author :: David Lawrence Preston

365 Steps to Practical Spirituality
 -by David Lawrence Preston

365 Steps to Practical Spirituality offers insights, anecdotes and practical activities drawn from the great spiritual traditio... Read More

Author in Focus

A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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